
Residents of Chisinau do not hurry to ask to be connected to heat supply


Even if the housing sector of the municipality of Chisinau is fully ready to receive heat, the citizens of Chisinau do not hurry to ask to be connected to the heat supply. Only 6% of the apartment buildings in the municipality have been connected to the centralized heating system until October 24.

Deputy head of the Public Amenities Division Gennady Dubița has told IPN that 166 apartment buildings of the 2,744 that form part of the municipal housing sector started to be supplied with heat. The connection process has a pace similar to that of last year, when 326 apartment buildings were connected to the heat supply in this period. The people do not hurry to ask to supplied with heat as it is yet rather warm.

Gennady Dubița said applications for paying cold-month allowances in the 2018-2019 heating season continue to be received. These can be filed throughout the cold season. The applications are submitted to the municipal housing sector managing companies, apartment building managers and district head’s offices in the case of citizens who live in the district s of Chisinau and at mayor’s offices in the case of the inhabitants of the villages and towns that form part of Chisinau municipality. The persons who received cold-month allowances the previous heating season should submit applications to confirm that the family’s monthly incomes and the composition of the family remained unchanged.

The 2018-2019 heating season in the municipality of Chisinau started on October 15.