
Republic of Moldova unionist movement requests unification with Romania


Republic of Moldova Unionist Movement has organized on Sunday, October 29, the Republican Citizen Assembly (RCA) in support of president Traian Băsescu initiative of Republic of Moldova integrating the EU together with Romania on January 1 2007. The event took place in the square of the Opera House from Chisinau. The action began with the „Desteapta-te Romane” hymn sang by the children chorus from Sipoteni village and continued with speeches of the Republic of Moldova Unionist movement. Participants have protested against what they called “the refusal by Vladimir Voronin to accept Traian Basescu’s proposal to join Romania and integrate into EU together”, declared the president of the Unionist Movement, Ilie Bratu. At the event was decided to organize a bigger similar action on December 3, if “the parliament and president Voronin will not launch negotiations with the Romanian side regarding the unification of the two Romanian countries”. If no actions are taken after that, the organizers claim they will start non-stop protests and will demand the dismissal of the Parliament, Government and president Voronin. The MUM General Secretary, Iacob Golovca, history PhD and president of the Association for liquidation of the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact consequences, declared during the protest action that “to require unification of Bessarabia with Romania is not s trifle, but a legitimate right”, and brought historical arguments in support of this affirmation. Pupils, students and professors from Chisinau and other regions of Moldova spoke at the microphone on the improvised scene, and all pleaded in favor of integration in the European Union together with Romania and criticized the actions of the communist government from the last years. According to the organizers, the number of participants reached 1000 persons, while the number of police men assuring public safety was approximately 500. The Republic of Moldova Unionist Movement Founding conference took place in November 2005. The Movement stands for unification with the Romanian state by joining the EU together with Romania in January 2007.