
Representatives of civil society and parties about electoral gender quotas


Parliament didn’t pass the bill that institutes a 40% electoral participation quota for women in the second reading intentionally, but the problem could be solved on the last 100 meters. Such conclusions were formulated in the program “Moldova live” on the public TV channel Moldova 1, IPN reports.

Deputy chairwoman of the National Liberal Party Alexandra Can said the fact that this bill wasn’t adopted should mobilize women more. “The women must be more active and be competitive. They must show that they will not give up. It’s regrettable that in a society where women represent 52%, they hold only at most 20% of the seats in Parliament,” she stated.

Alexei Brighidin, the representative of East Europe Foundation, expressed his regret at the fact that this bill wasn’t passed and thus one of the recommendations of the Council of Europe was ignored. “If this law had been passed, the MPs would have shown that they want to ensure gender equality. We, the representatives of civil society, will continue to plead for the institution of the 40% quota for women. Moreover, this bill also eliminates the stereotypes concerning the women’s role in the family. Parliament is still functional and we hope the lawmakers will manage to put things right,” he stated.

Mayor of Budesti village Nina Costiuc, who heads the Association of Women Mayors, said that on October 8 the women mayors will submit a resolution to Parliament by which they will condemn the non-adoption of this bill.