
Repair works in some education institutions go on


The repair works in some of the schools are not yet over. This refers to schools were extensive repair works are executed. The authorities assure the education process is not affected.  

Contacted by IPN, head of the Pre-University Education Division of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research Valentin Crudu said that 480 million lei was allocated from the 2017 state budget for performing extensive repair works at 638 schools. The money is intended for repairing roofs, heating, water supply and sewerage systems, for thermally insulating buildings, replacing windows and for other works. Last year, there was allotted 350 million lei for repairing over 400 schools.

Extensive repair works are carried out at six education institutions that were selected within the Moldova Education Reform Project that is supported by the World Bank Office in Chisinau. According to Valentin Crudu, such repair works in schools haven’t been performed after the declaration of independence. A sum of 110 million lei was budgeted for these works. The schools are from different districts, such as Rascani, Causeni and Leova. The investments per institution are of 15-20 million lei on average. Next year, these and other institutions that will be chosen by the Ministry will be outfitted with equipment for chemistry, physics and biology labs.

As to early education, some 80% of the €3 million grant provided by the Government of Romania for renovating 78 kindergartens in 2017 has been used. The Division’s head said the money will be fully used by next spring.

The authorities hope the repair works in schools will end in November. The works were carried out in the course of summer, but there are technologic procedures that should be respected and more time is thus required. According to Valentin Crudu, the education process is not affected. In some communities, the students study in shifts, while in other schools the class was shortened from 45 to 35 minutes so that repair works could be executed when the students are out of the school.