
Renato Usatyi: Vysotski is a symbol of the epoch


The foundation stone of the monument to the legendary Russian artist Vladimir Vysotski in Balti will be laid on July 2. The event will be attended by the artist’s son Nichita Vysotski, who will come from Moscow. In the evening of the same day, Russian singers Grigori Leps and Slava will give a concert in the center of the town. The author of the monument is from Balti, while the supporter of these cultural events is partially from Balti, IPN reports. 

The monument to Vysotski was designed by the Balti engineer Moisei Miligrom, who said that he had dreamt of making such a monument since he was a student. “I wanted to make a monument not namely to the artist, but to his works that he left as inheritance. I want this place to become a Meka of the people of art, where they would meet,” said Moisei Miligrom.

According to him, the designing of the monument could have remained an unfulfilled dream if supporters of this idea hadn’t appeared. “Fortunately, a man invested in this idea. I’m very glad that I met businessman Renato Usatyi, who didn’t forget his roots, including those from Balti, even if he lives in Moscow,” stated the engineer.

For his part, Rinato Usatyi explained his option by the fact that the artist is a symbol of the epoch. “For me, Vladimir Vysotski is a symbol of his epoch, as Gagarin, Brejnev and the Olympic Games of the 1980s,” he said. 

Renato Usatyi also said that he rose up by listening to the songs and watching the films of Vysotski. “In childhood, it is very important to read good books and to listen to sincere songs. If you grow up a good man who is not indifferent to what is going on, it means that, as Vladimir Semionovich wrote, you read useful books in childhood. I can say that I’m lucky! I thank my parents,” he stated.

The businessman added that in fact he borrowed an older idea from an old friend, Vladimir Vitiuk. “Surely I liked the idea and decided to contribute to its implementation within possibilities. They destroy monuments of the past around and the history is forgotten. I wanted to remind the people about those times in which they left so many nice things, their youth, their memories... No matter what they say, it seems to me that the people in those times were sincerer, fairer, cleaner, more receptive and better. It was a great country and important steps were taken. There were many aspirations to change the world. Those times had what we lack now,” said Usatyi.

“I thought I can help build a monument to Vysotski in Moldova, where his first poem appeared at the publishing house, when the artist was alive. Moreover, I liked very much the sketch of the monument that will be laid in the center of Balti, where I studied and lived for five years. I’m sure that the people will like it and the monument will always be covered in flowers. There are many fans of the artist in Moldova.”

As to the concert that Grigori Leps will hold in Balti, Renato Usatyi said that he wanted to make a holiday for the residents of the town. “Leps’ concert will be a natural continuation of the event related to the monument to Vysotski. Grigori Leps often sings Vladimir Semionovich’s songs. He even produced the album “Parus” (“The Boat”) that contains only Vysotski’s songs,” stated the businessman.

“We expect that the master’s son Nichita Vysotski will come to the event. He is the director of the Cultural-Museum Center “Vladimir Vysotski” and keeps his father’s inheritance with great care. He was very glad when he found out that a monument to his father will be unveiled in Balti. This means that the people in Moldova love the real poems and the sincere people and that not everything is lost. The moral values will ultimately prevail over the material ones,” said Renato Usatyi.