
Renato Usatyi says he will provoke Igor Dodon to come to debates next Sunday


The Our Party’s candidate for President Renato Usatyi said the country during the election campaign managed to wake up and he is sure he will reach the runoffs of the presidential elections. Next Sunday, November 7, he will provoke Igor Dodon to come to debates in the Great National Assembly Square in central Chisinau, where he would answer for what he has done during four years. In a summing up event at the end of the election campaign, Usatyi called on the voters and the police to be correct and record all the illegalities and not to allow Igor Dodon to buy votes, IPN reports.

The politician noted that the past month he visited 27 districts, took part in hundreds of meetings with people and saw in their eyes that he and his team are the only hope for most of the country’s citizens. “I want almost the same as most of the citizens want: destruction of the mafia system. I run in elections in order to destroy this system,” he noted.

The candidate called on the Moldovans abroad, who will be unable to vote, to urge the family in Moldova to go and vote. He promised that Parliament after the presidential elections will be dissolved and snap parliamentary elections will be held. “The parcels will no longer be the symbol of those who work abroad,” he promised, suggesting a better life for all the candidates.

He called on the citizens to think well before voting. “Now Moldova needs a President for the Moldovans, Russian, Bulgarians, those from Gagauzia, a President for all the country’s citizens, regardless of their nationally and spoken language,” stated the candidate.

The presidential race on November 1 will involve eight candidates.