
Regional press about Sergey Lavrov’s support for Transnistrian separatism


The anniversary of the Russian invasion of Moldova on March 2, 1992 was marked by attacks by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov after the Tiraspol nomenklatura staged a “congress of deputies of all levels”, at which it asked to be defended from Chisinau, IPN reports, with reference to the Transnistria press.

Moscow’s invective came after the congress that was convened last Wednesday in Tiraspol  adopted a resolution supporting the thesis of the region’s sovereignty and asking Moscow for help in this regard, accusing Moldova of “genocide”, according to posts on the region’s official Telegram channels, as News.ro reported.

Speaking at the Diplomacy Forum in Antalya, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that “the government in Chisinau, led by Romanian citizens, simply follows in the footsteps of the Kiev regime, abolishing everything Russian.” The source also refers to the Russian state agency TASS, which said that the regime in Chisinau “wants to annex the Republic of Moldova to Romania”, seeking to block the “negotiations” on the Transnistrian issue.

For its part, the Ukrainian press disseminated the response provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova to the head of the Russian diplomatic service’s support for the separatist regime. Chisinau said that “Lavrov and the Kremlin regime have no moral right to give lessons on democracy and freedom,” Unian reported, with reference to sources in Chisinau.

“A country that imprisons and kills opposition politicians, attacks its neighbors without being provoked has nothing to offer the world but blood and pain,” says a statement from Moldova’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is quoted by the mentioned source.

Unian said that the breakaway republic enjoys the benefits of economic integration with the EU, exporting more than 70% of its goods to the West. At the same time, it is noted the statement of the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, saying that “Moldova is a democratic state for which the freedom and respect for human rights are fundamental values. We are building a European future for all our citizens, regardless of language and ethnicity, so that they live in peace and prosperity.”