
Reactions of “Global Construcții” to accusations made by founders of “Secret Garden” kindergarten


The manager of the building company “Global Construcții”, Alexei Braganciuc, said that he became involved in a series of trials owing to the invented pretexts of the founder of the kindergarten that is located near the building side from 13/7 Andrei Doga St. According to him, this happens because the founder of the education institution aspires to the lot on which the constrctuoin is being errected.

In a news conference at IPN, Alexei Braganciuc said that he received the construction permit at the end of 2020 and one of his first actions was to invite the founder of the kindergarten “Secret Garden” to discussions to agree a schedule for performing the works during the day. “I expressed my viewpoint about the building works and I said that I’m ready to rehabilitate Andrei Doga by-street, which was destroyed by the Guzun family in 2007-2008 during works to connect the water supply, sewerage, gas and lighting systems. Mister Guzun listened to me and told me that he does not want a building to be erected at 13/7 Andrei Doga St and that they during ten years had tried to obtain that lot to build a parking lot for the kindergarten there,” stated the manager.

Alexei Braganciuc said the founder of the kindergarten implied that they have instruments to exert influence as 80% of the children who attend their institution are from families of MPs, prosecutors, judges. He was warned that if he didn’t do as the founder wanted, he would have big problems and they would destroy him. Different attacks against him started then through the agency of the press, MPs, police officers, prosecutors and employees of the National Anticorruption Center.

Alexei Braganciuc accuses the family that founded the kindergarten of abuses. He noted that the Guzun family committed the most serious abuses under the rule of the Democratic Party, being protected by ex-MP Vladimir Andronache.

“By the way, the kindergarten “Secret Garden”, according to all the norms and standards, can accept only 14 children given that it is 220 square meters in area, but it is attended by about 80-100 children,” said Alexei Braganciuc. According to him, neither the kindergarten nor the lyceum founded by the family have been accredited and it is not clear why the responsible bodies allow these to work.

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