
Radu Marian: In exchange for cheaper gas, the Kremlin wants Moldova to abandon European integration


The deputy head of the Parliament’s commission on economy, budget and finance said that Chisinau was advised to come to terms with the Kremlin at political level so as to obtain cheaper gas from Gazprom. According to Radu Marian, in exchange for a more advantageous price of gas, Russia demands that the Republic of Moldova should renounce the European integration desideratum and should support the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Moldovan authorities will never accept such conditions and urge the citizens to show unity and solidarity so as to overcome these difficult times, IPN reports.

PAS MP Radu Marian said that Ilan Shor and his acolytes should be distinguished from the people who protest on Sundays. The leaders of the Shor Party cynically use the economic vulnerability of the people to gain political advantages and to block the reforms started by the Party of Action and Solidarity in the justice sector.

“We need to separate the people who come to protest, who are manipulated and paid, from this criminal grouping of Shor that organizes the protest. The goal of Shor is to escape imprisonment and to destabilize the country by order of the Kremlin. The accusations made by this criminal grouping are not credible. A grouping that had stolen during so many years cannot reproach the government for what it does and does not. We accept criticism, go to regions and talk to the discontented people and try to help them, but we need to overcome this moment. The thieves exploit the people’s vulnerability,” Radu Marian stated in the talk show “Reflection Points” on Vocea Basarabiei station.

Moreover, according to the PAS MP, the Russian gas company Gazprom demands that Moldova should renounce the path to European integration if it wants a lower gas price. As the official Chisinau refused to accept such a condition, Moldova is experiencing a severe energy crisis.

“In exchange for cheaper gas, the Kremlin wants Moldova to abandon the European integration. They want us to support the invasion of Ukraine. We will never accept such demands. Signals came that we need to come to terms with the Kremlin at political level. Russia is an aggressor state that wages a hybrid war against us together with this mafia represented by Shor. The goal of these people is not to support the vulnerable citizens, but to escape imprisonment. They feel the pressure exerted by the steps taken in the justice sector in the Republic of Moldova and by the U.S. sanctions. They now try to force the note and to cause chaos in the country. But we will not allow this. We must remain united around the European integration objective so as to become part of the free world. We can no longer allow Moldova to remain in the gray zone,” stated the PAS MP.

Since the start of November, Gazprom has supplied to Moldova only 5.7 million cubic meters of gas a day, which is 51% of the amount stipulated in the contract. Earlier, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița said that if Gazprom halts the gas supplies, Moldova will sue the Russian company.