
Radu Marian denies that members of the Parliament earn over 90 thousand lei: The average income is 20-27 thousand


Radu Marian refutes the information that has appeared in the public space about the alleged salaries of members of the Parliament. The table referred to by the members of the Parliament showed amounts of over 90 thousand lei. This picture is "photoshopped", says Radu Marian, who has the highest amount in that list, over 100 thousand lei, IPN reports.

The basic salary of an member of the Parliament is about 16-17 thousand lei net, which has not been increased in the last three years, the member of the Parliament says. To this is added various payments, which differ from one to another. But also subtract the payments given to assistants or counselors.

"The average monthly income of an MP is about 20-27 thousand lei", says Radu Marian.

In a statement issued by the legislature, it is noted that the Moldovan Parliament has been subjected to concerted attacks of disinformation and misinformation in recent days. "We point out that during 2024, members of the Parliament did not receive any awards. Also, the members did not receive any salary bonuses for the extended plenary session of the Parliament on December 12," the statement added.