
Quality and way of forming new team at City Hall are doubted


[General interim Mayor of Chisinau, Vasile Ursu] declared that the process of forming City Hall’s new team is finished. In this respect he said at a meeting of the City Hall that “he changed a significant part of the personnel” and that he will come to the local elections with a good, renewed team. A part of the municipal councilors told Info-Prim Neo that they confirm the appreciation given to the new team, but another part disputed it. [The member of Communists’ Party (PCRM) faction in the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC), Serghei Novic], says that the necessity of changing some personnel from the City Hall is urgent. He says that he does not know the merits of the persons who were replaced by the dismissed ones, but he thinks that they will prove that they were selected due to their professional skills. [The councilor of People’s Christian-Democrat Party (PPCD), Victor Grebensicov] said that many employees of the City Hall were corrupt and had to be changed. [The councilor of the social-political Movement “Ravnopravie”, Valeri Climenco] said that the change operated by Ursu “is a political action because of which public money was unreasonably spent”. He declared that in this way, with the hands of Ursu, PCRM and PPCD factions are preparing for the local elections, spending the money of the tax payers. Climenco failed to comment on the new employees’ skills, mentioning that he will monitor their potential. Climeco said that the involvement of country’s leadership, including in the changes of personnel aim to discreditthe local public administration, which makes everything possible to lose its credibility and to compromise itself. Climenco says that in the European countries a thousand of inhabitants is served by 3-fold more public servants compared with Chisinau. [The independent councilor, Vasile Parasca] declared that the change of personnel could not be performed according to the legislation in force, so that a trick was used, and namely the personnel chart of the City Hall was changed several months before the local elections. At the same time, Parasca states that the changes contributed to saving public money. The councilor says that a few months must pass until the skills of the employees can be appreciated. The purpose of the changes performed on the wake of local elections is to dismiss servants who are inconvenient for Ursu, [the independent councilor, Mihai Roscovan] told Info-Prim Neo. He says that claiming the reason of spending financial means as a result of reducing about 100 units is beyond critics, because in fact about MDL 3 mln were spent for the changes. Roscovan says that these expenses are not justified because of the fact that after the local elections, the local administration will be again changed and money will be spent. He says that the real reason for these changes was a preparation measure for the local elections by getting rid of the inconvenient persons and by employing persons who will be able to engage the City Hall’s personnel in the local elections. “The staff of the City Hall does not need changes, especially before local elections” [the councilor of Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN) Oleg Cernei] told Info-Prim Neo, being sure that the changes operated by one of the deputy mayors, who holds at present the duties of ad interim, can be explained only by the creation of an electoral staff. Cernei was very puzzled by the professional skills of some new personnel members, who were appointed without experience for the offices they hold or with a total lack of experience in local administration field. In order to employ them, there were dismissed professionals who worked for tens of years in this field, including one person who had only one year till retirement. Oleg Cernei does not conceive that the City Hall will host persons with statutes of “mistress”. “I refuse to believe that Mr. Ursu has such low standards. The general interim mayor must prove that these persons passed a contest, have experience and can face their duties, so that suspicions would not arose. Otherwise, the final conclusion will be that they were arranged for other reasons. The municipal councilor says that the dismissal of experienced personnel was performed in the period when they were on vacation and that Vasile Ursu ordered policemen to prohibit their access to the City Hall building.