
Pupils will learn to plan a business


Pupils from vocational secondary education institutions will learn to plan a business, to use modern methods and techniques of financial analysis, to prepare financial reports and balance sheets, within a new course: “The Bases of Entrepreneurship”, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to a press release of the Ministry of Education, the youth will study business management, marketing, risk management in business, etc. “The Bases of Entrepreneurship” is a course developed during the Project “Moldovan Employment and Entrepreneurship Education and Training Activity” (MEEETA-II), funded by international foundation Liechtenstein Development Service and implemented by Winrock Moldova. Within the same project, 61 small business where opened in 2010 by graduates of vocational secondary education institutions, which created 178 new jobs. In 2011, 36 businesses were launched, creating 91 jobs. Entrepreneurial education is one of the policies included in the strengthened strategy for the development of education in 2011-2015, stipulated by the Bruges Communicate on promoting entrepreneurial spirit.