
Public eating places in Chisinau return to usual work program


The public eating places all over the municipality of Chisinau as from February 16 operate according to the normal work program. The employees and visitors of the places are obliged to have a COVID-19 certificate and to obey the infection control and prevention measures, as the Extraordinary Public Health Commission of Chisinau municipality decided, IPN reports.

Until today, the public eating places worked between 7am and 10pm and after 10pm could provide only takeout and home delivery services.

Under the same decision, the General Health and Social Assistance Division, together with directors of municipal clinical hospitals that have COVID-19 wards, will order to gradually close the sections for treating patients with SARS-CoV-2. The intensive care units of all the COVID-19 municipal clinical hospitals will continue to work at full capacity.

The Commission maintained the obligation to wear sanitary masks in all the closed public places, in crowded places and in public transport. The mask must cover both the mouth and the nose.

Two days ago, the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission decreed that differentiated COVID-19 protection measures, depending on the alert level issued in each locality according to the incidence rate, will be applied again in the Republic of Moldova as from February 16.

The municipality of Chisinau is still on red alert.