
PSRM remains in opposition and will support initiatives of President Igor Dodon


The Party of Socialists (PSRM) remains in opposition to the government. Among the priorities for 2017, the party’s chairwoman Zinaida Grecheanyi enumerated the provocation of early parliamentary elections, strengthening and development of the party, supporting of the initiatives of President Igor Dodon and promotion of the bills of the Socialist parliamentary group, IPN reports.

In a news conference, Zinaida Grecheanyi said early legislative elections should be caused for the PSRM to fully achieve its goals. After the party wins these elections, it will form a government that will work for the benefit of the people.

Speaking about the priorities of the Socialist parliamentary group, Zinaida Grecheanyi said the Socialists in the spring-summer session will present a number of bills related to the social sphere, which are designed to ensure improved living standards.

“About 20 new bills were already drafted. One of these provides for the indexation of pensions two times a year – in April and in October – by about 20% a year. We will insist on its adoption,” stated the head of the Socialist group.

According to Zinaida Grecheanyi, the PSRM fully supports President Igor Dodon’s initiative to repeal the law that transformed the loans provided by the central bank to three banks under state guarantee into public debt.

“The PSRM supports the annulment of the antisocial law that forces the population to pay back the stolen US$1 billion and will promote this initiative proposed by the Head of State by making use of all the parliamentary instruments, at each sitting of Parliament. If the initiative is rejected by Parliament, we will consult the public opinion, including by a referendum,” stated the chairwoman of the PSRM.