PSD wants new-type sovkhozes
The Social Democratic Party of Moldova (PSD) in a news conference on November 4 specified that it does not propose returning to the previous sovkhozes and kolkhozes, but making use of the good techniques used in the past to revitalize agriculture. The statements come in response to the reactions of people, who, according to the party, misunderstood the declarations made during the official opening of the election campaign by the PSD, Info-Prim Neo reports.
PSD chairman Victor Selin said the future sovkhozes and kolkhozes will be like in Italy, stressing their creation is the only solution for revitalizing the agricultural sector and the Moldovan villages.
In this connection, Selin said that the people from rural areas will receive securities equal in value to their property. They should also consolidate their lands so as to become co-owners of sovkhozes, together with the state. Thus, they will be able to take decisions as regards their private property.
The Social-Democrats say that if they come to power, they will encourage the creation of new ProdCoop organizations on the territories of the former sovkhozes and kolkhozes. According to them, the Italian association of companies Airexoprt agreed to provide the financial resources needed for the purpose.
The PSD ran in the July 29, 2009 elections together with the Centrist Union of Moldova, polling together 1.86% of the vote.