
PSD seeks annulment of Romania's run-off election


The Romanian Social Democratic Party (PSD) lodged an application with the Constitutional Court, asking that the second round of Romania's presidential elections be annulled and that return elections be announced as the Democratic-Liberal Party (PDL) that backs the current President Traian Basescu committed electoral frauds, Info-Prim Neo reports. The application was filed by the PSD secretary general Liviu Dragnea and PSD senator Dan Sova. They promised to provide evidence of mass vote rigging tomorrow. “There are many proofs showing that the run-off election had been fixed,” Dragnea said. “The election can be annulled on the basis of this evidence. We have over 13,000 proofs in the country and abroad. They concern modification of the electoral reports and electoral tourism. More than 600,000 votes are in question.” Mircea Geoana said he was the one who won the elections and he would prove this. “My colleagues are indignant at the unprecedented frauds committed in thousands of polling places. We will not allow that Romania becomes a second Belarus under presidential dictatorship,” he said. Under the legislation, the elections can be contested within three days of the announcement of the results by the Central Election Office. The Constitutional Court has 48 hours to accept or reject the contesting applications. The president of the PDL Emil Boc said the PSD does not have reasons for challenging the election as its representatives signed the electoral reports of the polling places.