
Prosecutors ask to extend Ion Creanga's house arrest. The decision will be taken on Monday


Prosecutors today requested the extension of house arrest for Ion Creanga, accused of treason. The prosecutors also warned that there is a risk of influencing witnesses and evading prosecution, IPN reports.

The prosecutor in the case, Dumitru Stefarta, emphasized that the accused may take steps to find evidence of innocence, which is a risk for the conduct of the trial.

At today's court hearing, Ion Creanga presented a medical certificate, according to which he has health problems - cysts on his knees, and surgery is necessary.

The public prosecutor rejected the medical report, explaining that it was only an ultrasound investigation and that this diagnosis did not justify a milder measure.

The defense, on the other hand, rejected these arguments, insisting that the reasons given were merely conjecture and that the poor state of health of the defendant should be taken into account. "The attached documents confirm the medical problems. We request the rejection of the prosecutor's request as unfounded", said lawyer Ion Ionas.

During the hearing, audio recordings were presented, in which the defendant speaks with a person in Russian.

"If he insists that he has no access to state secrets, how did he manage to get hold of the information he transmitted?" the prosecutor asked, adding that the exact manner in which the data was transmitted is being established. At the same time, the prosecutor reiterated that preventive measures are designed to prevent risks, and if the defendant violates the restrictions imposed, a harsher measure can be requested.

Ion Creanga intervened, saying that there was pressure on justice and that there was no evidence against him: "Throughout the trial, prosecutors have constantly fed the public with the idea that there is a risk." He also said that the hypothesis that he was planning to leave the country was unfounded: "I only have Moldovan citizenship and I have no obligations to any other state. In 30 years I have proved my loyalty and devotion to Moldova".

Creanga gave assurances that he has never committed any acts that could be qualified as a criminal offense: "My criminal record is clean". He also said that his health worsened during his house arrest and that he needed treatment in a medical environment and outdoor exercise: "I beg the court not to apply the form of house arrest to me, because I need specialized treatment".

The court is due to rule on the prosecutors' request at a hearing scheduled for Monday, March 24 at 12:30.

Ion Creanga is charged with treason and plot against Moldova. He is alleged to have had a conspiratorial communication with the assistant military attaché of the Russian Embassy in Chisinau in 2023-2024.