
Proposals of working group created to solve crisis in agriculture


The working group constituted to solve the crisis in agriculture suggests identifying additional solutions for increasing compensations for farmers and exempting the farmers affected by drought and other natural disasters from paying salary taxes in the immediate period, IPN quoted PPPDA vice president Alexandru Slusari as saying in a news conference.

“1,000 lei per hectare cannot solve the farmers’ problem,” stated Alexandru Slusari. The Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” insists on the allocation of 500 million lei for supporting the farmers, not only 200 million lei, as it was decided.

The working group reached the conclusion that a special law on the rescheduling of farmers’ debts to commercial banks and nonbanking organizations during at least 12 months should be adopted.

Alexandru Slusari said farmers’ loans represent slightly over 3 billion lei in the loan portfolio. In the nonbanking sector, they total over 1 billion lei. “This sum should be rescheduled legally during a year, without calculating penalties, without the banks sequestrating farmers’ property,” said the MP.

The PPPDA insists that a Parliament sitting should be called next week so as to consider the proposed solutions. On August 14, the parliamentary groups will have a meeting and this will involve Cabinet members.

The working group was created earlier this week following discussions between the PSRM, PDM, PAS and PPPDA. It includes by a member of each parliamentary group.