
"Prometeu-Prim" founders give assurances the high school will carry on


Stepan Cioclea and Nicu Roman, two of the "Prometeu-Prim" High School founders, assure that they will remove all obstacles that obstruct the educational process. They urged parents whose children learn at this high school to check the legality of the undertaken actions by the former headmaster, Aurelian Silvestru. Additionally, they asked the educators not to escalate tensions and not to jeopardize the educational process.

In an IPN press conference, Roman Nicu said that, unfortunately, everyone has become the victim of a single person's vanity. "Mr. Aurelian Silvestru refuses to leave office and because of this he manipulated us all, he created a new high school, he stirred up parents and he jeopardized the start of the new school year", said the founder. According to him, Aurelian Silvestru is no longer the administrator of the high school, even though he states otherwise and refuses to hand over the stamp. "Aurelian Silvestru is committing a major illegality and he disregards the law. His actions can be qualified as a raider attack,” Roman Nicu said.

The two founders, Roman Nicu and Stepan Cioclea, claim that they are prohibited from entering the high school grounds on Nicolae Iorga street, even though they own 89% of the property. The buildings on Nicolae Iorga street are the property of three entities: City Hall, "Prometeu-Prim" high school and the Prometeu Experimental Center SRL. "Mr. Silvestru's claims that the buildings belong to someone else are not corroborated by documents. We, on the other hand, respect  the law.” declared Roman Nicu.

In order to solve the conflict, the founders said that they will take legal action. At the moment, they are holding negotiations with current teaching staff and with outside teachers, in order to secure the necessary personnel for the start of the new school year.

The associate says that the teachers' resignation requests are addressed to Aurelian Silvestru, who is no longer headmaster, since July 3. The same principles apply to the parents' transfer contracts  from the "Prometeu-Prim" High School to the "Prometeu Pro-Talent" High School, recently founded by Aurelian Silvestru.

Stepan Cioclea, owner of 52% of the shares, claims that due to Aurelian Silvestru's mismanagement, in 2010-2013 the "Prometeu-Prim" High School was in an acute financial crisis. Salaries were not paid on time and there were budgetary debts. As agreed upon in negotiations, the associates decided to reform the high school by separating the primary school, which was due to Aurelian Silvestru, while the other two men took over the control package of the high school. In June 2014, Aurelian Silvestru's share decreased from 60% to 11%. Afterwards, the high school's material assets were essential renovated while the schoolbook collection was modernized. Millions of lei were invested in the upgrade.

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research sent invitations to the three founders, as well as their legal representatives, for a discussion which aims to mediate and amicably solve the conflict. The discussion is scheduled for Friday, August 23. The two founders agreed to meet. They will also have open meetings with parents.

By order of the other two founders, approved by the Founders Council, Aurelian Silvestru was dismissed, in his absence, as director of the "Prometeu-Prim" High School. Later, Tatiana Verdeș, pro-rector for scientific activity at the University of European Political and Economic Studies "Constantin Stere", won the employment contest that was held in order to fill the headmaster position. The teachers of the high school declared the contest illegal. Earlier this week, Aurelian Silvestru announced that all teachers and auxiliary staff have resigned in corpore on Monday, August 19. Starting September 3, they will be hired at the "Prometeu Pro-Talent" High School, a new entity created by him.