
Pro Moldova will not vote for PSRM-Shor candidate


The Pro Moldova Party will not vote for the PSRM-Shor candidate, said the party’s leader Andrian Candu. “The candidate who was proposed by the President in a constitutional way is to come with his team and program in Parliament. I said it for multiple times since 2019, since good people have governed: assume responsibility for what you obtained and govern as you promised,” Andrian Candu posted on Facebook, being quoted by IPN.

Andrian Candu said that during over two years the country has been divided and “governed” by one force and then by another force and further based on different combinations, depending on how the chess pieces are there on the chessboard. “During over two years, the Republic of Moldova has had/haven’t had a Government and a majority. During over two years, Pro Moldova hasn’t taken part in governance and urged to show commonsense. But the players that pretend to be the principal ones continue to apply scenarios, to dally and to besiege the Constitutional Court with challenges,” he wrote.

On March 18, the PSRM announced that Vladimir Golovatiuc, former Socialist MP who was recently named Ambassador to Russia, is the parliamentary majority’s candidate for Prime Minister. The statement concerning the formation of the parliamentary majority was signed by 53 Socialist and For Moldova MPs.