
Private individuals will no longer wear camouflage uniforms in public places


The wearing of the camouflage uniform similar to the military one by private individuals in public places was banned by a bill passed by Parliament in the first reading, IPN reports.
Bill co-author Veaceslav Untila said the major goal of the bill is to prevent the appearance of paramilitary forces in the Republic of Moldova. There are identified an increasing number of cases when the camouflage uniform is unjustifiably and illegally worn by private individuals who do not have this right.

The bill bans the wearing of the camouflage uniform similar to the military one by private individuals in public places, except for such holiday as those marked on March 2 and August 27. When the law takes effect, the violation of these provisions will be punished with a fine of 2,000 to 3,000 lei.

The bill is to be supplemented by the parliamentary commissions and will be then put to the vote in the final reading.