
Principles of strategic thinking applied in support of e-Government


“The key factors that can ensure the success of e-Transformation process are: first of all, implementation of a well-thought-out strategy, use of correct technologies, as well as application of methodologies that will generate productive and efficient results,” said Samuel Foster, the President & CEO, FosterSoft Inc. According to him, all the mentioned factors are related to remodeling of the strategic thinking process that can be applied by the private sector, government institutions and individually, by each person separately, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communiqué from the E-Government Center. Remodeling of the strategic thinking process (Business Process Reengineering) in technological modernization of governance was the main topic of the workshop, organized recently by the e-Government Center in cooperation with FosterSoft Inc. from the U.S. Participants in the event, e-Transformation coordinators from ministries and government agencies discussed how the principles of remodeling of the strategic thinking process can be connected to e-Government efforts of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the benefits the remodeling of the strategic thinking process may have on e-Transformation. Within the event there were also presented the best practices of e-Transformation of the public sector as well as case studies based on activities, developed by the U.S. federal government in the field of e-Transformation. The workshop is part of a series of events, dedicated to e-Transformation coordinators with the view to support and facilitate the implementation of e-Transformation Agenda in the Republic of Moldova. In September 2011, the Government approved the Strategic Program for Technological Modernization of Governance: www.egov.md/upload/pdf/Program_Strategic_RO.pdf The document sets out the objectives of e-Transformation process and provides a unified vision on modernization of public services and increase of efficiency of the government activity through information technologies (IT). At the same time, the Strategic Program for Technological Modernization of Governance lays the basis of a coordinated approach for smart IT investments and enhances IT capacity in the public sector.