
Prime minister: If savings allow us, we will try to reduce fiscal burden 


“We are working now to eliminate all the corruption schemes established by the former regime for siphoning off public money. If savings accumulated following the elimination of these schemes suffice, we will try to reduce the tax burden for everybody”, stated Maia Sandu at a meeting of the National Confederation of Employers’ Organizations. 

The prime minister emphasized the authorities' intention to have clear and transparent rules that would provide employers investment security and stressed that economic development is a priority for the current government. 

“We believe that the private sector is the most important in terms of job creation and wage growth for citizens. At the same time, we must reorganize the public sector, especially the state-owned enterprises. When we manage to eliminate all public money theft schemes and when all the economic operators start paying taxes, so that we have sufficient budget resources to honor all the payments to the citizens, I hope we can reduce the fiscal burden on the business sector”, Maia Sandu was quoted by a Government press release as saying.

Also during the meeting, Maia Sandu said that the Government expects that the business sector will treat its employees and consumers with fairness and respect. According to the prime minister, the Government is drafting an Action Plan to support the private sector and has invited business representatives to weigh in, including on fiscal policy. Debates will take place in the near future.