
Price of health insurance policy in 2021 remains unchanged


The mandatory health insurance policy premium in fixed amount and the premium in percentage form from the salary and other recompenses will remain the same in 2021. The premium in fixed sum will be 4,056 lei, while in percentage form – 9% paid by the employers and employees equally, by 4.5%. If the premium is paid during the first three months of the year, reductions of 50%, 60% and 75% of the sum will be applied, depending on the categories of beneficiaries. The draft law on the mandatory health insurance funds for next year was approved by the Cabinet on November 30, IPN reports.

The revenues of the mandatory health insurance funds will come to 11.1 billion lei, while the expenditure to 11.3 billion lei. The deficit of 200 million lei will be covered on account of the balance of funds that will form at the end of 2020.

A sum of 2.7 billion lei will be allocated from the 2021 state budget for increasing the salaries of medical personnel (by 10% on April 1, 2020, by 30% on September 1, 2020) and for covering the costs for the personnel engaged in providing medical care to persons who meet the criteria of the definition of COVID-19 case.

A sum of 15 million lei will go to develop and modernize the medical institutions. There will be bought modern medical equipment, implemented new medical technologies, etc.

In the framework of the World Bank-funded COVID-19 Emergency Response Project, the health system got €31 million. The money will be used to purchase medical devices, personal protective equipment and test kits and to repair the intensive care and infectious diseases units. Measures will also be taken to strengthen the health system at the national level by supplying the institutions with medical devices. The €40 million program is financed by the Council of Europe Development Bank.