
Previous action plan for implementing Association Agreement was 71% implemented, functionary


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration drew up a schedule for dealing with the overdue measures that were to be carried out in accordance with the action plan for implementing the Moldova – EU Association Agreement, secretary of state at the Ministry Tatiana Molchan said in a public debate at IPN entitled “European integration of the Republic of Moldova, myth or reality?”.

According to her, less than 30% of the objectives set for the period until the end of last year remained unimplemented. “But this happened for objective reasons: Parliament changed, then the Government was replaced. In such conditions, some of the laws stipulated in the roadmap weren’t adopted on time,” stated the functionary.

Furthermore, some of the technical regulation aspects that necessitate broad discussions could not be solved. These refer primarily to the transport sector, energy, food industry, agriculture and environmental protection.

Tatiana Molchan said the Association Agreement does not stipulate some kind of punishments for the delay in implementing the action plan. “We must abandon the idea that we do reforms for obtaining financing from the European Union. The financial assistance is extremely important, especially now, in this very difficult period. Also, the financial support for Moldova in the Association Agreement is stipulated as assistance in the European integration process. But we need reforms. We modify the laws and implement European standards not to get money from the EU, but to improve the quality of life and develop the country,” stated the official.

The previous action plan for implementing the Moldova – EU Association Agreement covered the period until the end of 2019.

The public debate “European integration of the Republic of Moldova, myth or reality?” was held by IPN News Agency as part of the project “Overcoming stereotypes of European integration by communication” that is implemented with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation.