
Presidential administration is used to promote party interests, IPN debate


The presidential administration is used to promote party interests. Chairman of the Center for Initiatives and Public Authorities Monitoring Ion Dron, in the public debate “Relations between the branches of power in new conditions: between cooperation, early parliamentary elections, impeachment and …something else”, which is the 69th installment of debates staged by IPN News Agency in concert with Radio Moldova, said this is the worst thing witnessed by the Moldovans so far. According to him, there is particular rhetoric in the election campaign and there is different rhetoric when the person starts to serve in a state institution.

“The fact that the President didn’t adjust his electoral promises to his duties is the problem of the Head of State, who should now cope. How can he make this adjustment? By telling the people that particular promises he made cannot be delivered. This is where this large number of statements comes from,” stated Ion Dron.

The first conclusion drawn by the expert is that the presidential administration is used as an instrument of party propaganda, while the visit by President Dodon to Moscow is relevant in this regard. The Government can be criticized for approving the composition of the delegation in the variant proposed by the Head of State. “If we analyze things, we see that it was a party visit, not a visit by representatives of a Moldovan authority, which is the presidential administration,” said the expert.

Ion Dron considers that after the presidential elections, the President, Prime Minister and Speaker of Parliament should have held a joint news conference and told the people that debates would take place and a cooperation pact would be signed by these powers to confirm that each of them would fulfill their duties. “I think that if these three representatives of the state powers come out together, things will be calmed down,” he stated.

According to him, after 15 years the Republic of Moldova returned to where it set off from in 2000. “In 2000 we changed the method of electing the President because we were in these interminable discussions. The then President could do nothing because he wanted additional powers. Today we witness the same rhetoric,” stated Ion Dron.

On the other hand, the expert considers that particular decisions of the recent past, related to the institutional architecture, were aimed not at strengthening particular institutions, but at intimidating politically the opponent, who is the President, and at depriving him of particular leverage. “This happened 2-3 month before being elected President or even on the last 100 meters. I think time has come to change the architecture of the executive power. I’ve got the impression that these discussions are being prepared for us for 10-15 year ahead,” stated Ion Dron.

Furthermore, the expert noted that the powers of the state must transmit a message to calm the people down from political viewpoint. It is also necessary to form a group that would carry out a study to see if Moldova needs a bi-cephalous executive, as now.

The public debate “Relations between the branches of power in new conditions: between cooperation, early parliamentary elections, impeachment and …something else” is the 69th installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture by public debates” that are organized with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.