
President Sandu sends back laws to Parliament, including “billion law”


A number of laws “with major problems” that were adopted by the Parliament of the tenth legislature were remitted back by President Maia Sandu to the legislative body for being examined and amended so as to eliminate the shortcomings they contain or to withdraw them. “The Shor-PSRM alliance voted a series of laws during the last part of the former Parliament’s mandate. Many of them have niece names, but contain provisions for the thieves, make the implementation costs the people’s burden and, by vaguely formulated articles, open up corruption gates for schemes to appropriate public property,” said Maia Sandu, being cited by IPN.

One of the returned loans is that of April 23 by which the debt related to the stolen US$1 billion is annulled. According to Maia Sandu, the given law does no way ease the burden of the debt for the citizens. The stolen US$1 billion will remain with the thieves if the prosecutor’s office does not get down to business. This law just transforms a state debt into inflation and financial instability. In other words, the citizens repay the stolen funds by higher prices and higher interest rates on loans.

Among the laws that were sent back are also the law by which the state was to compensate the costs incurred by household users for electricity for April and May, because it is inequitable and provides compensations to the poor and the wealthy alike, as President Sandu said, the law on domestic trade, which would lead to price rises and which violates provisions of the Association Agreement with the EU, the law that enabled the interim Government to sign international treaties that imply financial commitments for the Republic of Moldova and to hire and fire persons with public posts and functionaries.

With reference to the last law, President Sandu said fewer than two months remained until the elections and Moldova does not have any international financial commitment that cannot wait for two months for being signed, while “the appointments and dismissals in agencies and ministries will be within the remit of the plenipotentiary Government that will be named after the elections, not of Voicu, Nagachevski or other accidental people that form part of an outgoing Government”.

Maia Sandu promulgated yet the law on the social protection of the citizens who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, which amends a number of regulations, the law to amend law No. 1435/2002 to compensate for the difference in the tariffs of electricity and natural gas used by the inhabitants of a number of villages of Dubăsari and Căușeni districts and of Varnița village of Anenii Noi district, the law on the measures of support for entrepreneurial activity, the law to amend a number of regulations on the special taxing of services by which the VAT for the hospitality industry is decreased to 6% during the state of public health emergency.

“This way, I have done with the Parliament that was elected in 2019 according to the Plahotniuc-Dodon rules. I can now breathe freely as I will no longer receive laws full of stratagems, traps and corruption motivations,” stated Maia Sandu. She noted that the dissolution of Parliament opens the way for order and development in the country. She called on the citizens to go to the polls on July 11 in a large number so as to decide who to entrust the administration of the country to.