
President Dodon on Mount Athos


President Igor Dodon has announced that he will spend the coming weekend in prayer and piety together with monks on Mount Athos. He noted that as each year in this period, he will pray for the Moldovan people, for a Moldova that would live in peace and unity, IPN reports.

“We have experienced serous challenges this year and therefore need more than ever the blessing of the monks whom I will meet at monasteries founded by the most famous Moldovan voyvodes,” Igor Dodon posted on Facebook.

According to him, September comes with new challenges for the people. The school year starts in conditions of pandemic and a series of other activities are resumed. “We have yet a long road to cover through this pandemic that has affected the whole world. That’s why I call on all those who can to spend these holidays in peace and prayer, to transmit good thoughts to the dear ones, to the country as we must be confident that we will overcome these difficult times too,” said President Dodon.