
Premier will sign the Charter on Good Neighbourly Relations in South-Eastern Europe


PM Vasile Tarlev, will sign, on Tuesday October 10, in Bucharest, the Charter on Good Neighbourly Relations, Stability, Security and Cooperation in Southeastern Europe, which represents the basic document of the activity as part of the South-Eastern Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP). During his visit in Bucharest the Moldovan PM will have a meeting with his Romanian counterpart Calin Popescu-Tariceanu. SEECP is a non-institutionalized, regional cooperation structure, established in 1996, at the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affaires of Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, FYR of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro and Turkey. Later, Bosnia and Herzegovina (in February 2001) and Croatia (in 2004) joined the founding-states. R. of Moldova had the observer status till now. SEECP is the only forum in South-Eastern Europe created and financed exclusively by the participant-states with the aim of contributing to the improving of the political climate in the region, by promoting the interests of the participating-state of the integration into the European and Euro-Atlantic political, security and economical structures of. Initially, the main political forum of SEECP was represented by the annual meetings of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs. The first meeting of the heads of state and governments in South-East Europe took place in 1997, at the initiative of Greece. Later, the high-level meetings of SEECP, which became the main political forum of the organization, entered the agenda of actions of this regional initiative, taking place annually.