
Premier says justice sector reform, including pre-vetting, will continue


Prime Minister Dorin Recean said the justice sector reform, including the pre-vetting, will continue and the Anticorruption Court will work. At the beginning of the August 14 meeting of the Cabinet, the official addressed the judges who oppose the reform, saying that these cannot ask for independence if they do not enjoy legitimacy, IPN reports.

“The judicial system bangs its head against a brick. The situation in Moldovan justice goes beyond the absurdism already. We will continue to insist on this reform and on the cleaning of the system. The pre-vetting will continue and the Anticorruption Court will function. I realize the frustrations. I heard some lamentations. I want to tell this corrupt minority that you cannot claim independence in the absence of legitimacy. You don’t enjoy legitimacy,” stated Dorin Recean.

According to him, the work of dishonest judges affects the people when the police catch the same persons driving inebriated, who in a particular period of time continue to commit accidents in which other people die. “I want to see what the decisions taken by these judges were based on when they justified the release of those people,” said the Premier.

He instructed the minister of the interior to conduct an analysis of all the road accidents the past five years, which resulted in death and serious consequences. “We need to see what violations were committed by those drivers and which judges tried those cases. We will start from here. I realize that the anticorruption subject is more complex, but we speak about human lives now,” stated Dorin Recean.

At the beginning of August, the Supreme Court of Justice annulled 21 decisions by which the pre-vetting commission rejected the candidates for member of the Superior Council of Magistracy and the Superior Council of Prosecutors. Harsh reactions followed, the decisions being treated as a new attempt by corrupt groupings from the system to block the extraordinary assessment of judges and prosecutors. The decisions were also criticized by Prime Minister Dorin Recean and the Supreme Court of Justice as a result issued a press release, recommending the political class, the government, interest groups, the media and any person to refrain from humiliating labeling, public lynching and televised justice.