
Premier meets with Ambassadors of Germany and France in Chisinau


Prime Minister Iurie Leanca had meetings with German Ambassador to Moldova Ulrike Knotz and French Ambassador to Moldova Pascal Vagogne, who were recently appointed to posts. The officials discussed Moldova’s European integration agenda, the Moldovan-German and Moldovan-French relations and the possibility of intensifying bilateral trade, IPN reports.

In the discussions with the German diplomat, Iurie Leanca highlighted the upward trend and positive dynamics in the relations between Moldova and Germany. “I’m glad that Moldova is no longer a ‘terra incognita’ for the German officials. The bilateral relations are developing. We hope to attract German investments to the Moldovan economy,” stated the Premier.

Ulrike Knotz said that her appointment as Germany’s Ambassador in Chisinau is a privilege given that the relations between the two states are intensifying. A proof of this is the visits paid by German officials to Moldova.

In the discussions with Pascal Vagogne, Iurie Leanca noted that he counts a lot on the personal experience of His Excellence in bringing the two countries closer and in developing Francophonie in Moldova. For his part, the French official said hat his country is interested in extending the Moldovan-French relations and in supporting Moldova’s path to the EU.

Ulrike Knotz took up her duties as Ambassador of Germany to Moldova on August 20, while Pascal Vagogne presented his credentials to President Nicolae Timofti on September 17.