
PPPDA criticizes intention to disband parity commission for decentralization


The Political Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” (PPPDA) requested the government to withdraw the bill that provides for the disbandment of the parity commission for decentralization and for the transfer of its powers to the National Council for the Public Administration Reform, IPN reports.

In a press statement, the party says that the Government on January 18 proposed liquidating the commission. The foreign partners should be warned about such a move as this runs counter to the spirit of the European values for defending the interests of local self-government.

According to the PPPDA, the current government, instead of improving the dialogue with the local authorities and doing administrative and financial decentralization reforms in the interests of the people, narrows the possibilities of dialog with representatives of the public institutions.

“The gravity of the planned liquidation also resides in the abandonment of the principle of parity as the National Council for the Public Administration Reform, based on a Government decision, was formed exclusively of MPs who represent ministries and have short-term objectives,” reads the statement.

According to the PPPDA, by such initiatives the local authorities are being suppressed.