
PPEM initiates amendment of Penal Code for holding Head of State accountable


MPs of the European People’s Party of Moldova (PPEM) drafted a proposal to amend the Penal Code so that high-ranking officials could be held accountable for the non-implementation of court decisions or Constitutional Court judgments, IPN reports, with reference to a press release of the party.

The MPs propose amending Article 320 of the Penal Code by introducing a paragraph by which to make the Constitutional Court judgments mandatory for implementation. If these are not executed intentionally, the persons to blame will be punished criminally.

“How can an ordinary citizen, who does not obey court decisions, be punished, while the Head of State, who does not obey the Constitutional Court’s judgments, is not penalized in any way?! Moreover, he says publicly, with ill intention, that he will sabotage any judgment passed by this Court,” said the leader of the PPEM Iurie Leanca, explaining the opportunity of the legislative initiative.

According to the PPEM, if the bill is adopted by Parliament, President Igor Dodon could be penalized and would be fined up to 35,500 lei, would be made to do up to 200 hours of community service or would be jailed for at most two years.