
PPCD presents symbols and electoral platform


The Christian-Democrat People’s Party (PPCD) has presented its symbols and platform for the November 30 parliamentary elections. The party’s logo will be a sword with the text “Plan of Rosca” on it on a khaki background, IPN reports.

“The sword represents the redeeming spirit, punishment of injustice, combating of wrongdoings, triumph of truth, fight against corruption and the dignity of men. The Plan of Rosca is the only realistic solution of national solidarity. This plan represents geopolitical balance, rule of law, economic patriotism and national unity by faith,” said the chairman of the PPCD Victor Ciobanu.

“Our platform has two main components. The first is the making of diagnosis: causes of social diseases; causes why we don’t achieve results at institutional, economic, social, educational and healthcare levels. Afterward, we will offer the recipe for the treatment needed to revitalize our collective body,” stated Iurie Rosca, who heads the PPCD’s list of candidates. According to him, their platform centers on economic protectionism, the Christian-Orthodox ethics, punishment of the current rulers and building of a powerful and independent state.

Deputy chairman of the PPCD Radu Busila said that eight of the top ten candidates on the party’s list are jurists. “Namely the jurists know to explain the law and, what is more important, to apply it. This is the most important thing applying to the state bodies of Moldova,” he said.

In ballots the PPCD will be the second. The order in ballots was decided by a draw. Until now the Central Election Commission has registered 15 election runners – 14 parties and an electoral bloc.