
Posts of SCM member could be temporarily occupied by substitute members


During the vacancy of the posts of members of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) from among judges, these could be occupied by substitute members until the main members are elected. A bill to this effect was given two readings by Parliament, IPN reports.

Arguing the necessity of the bill, its author, Socialist MP Vasile Bolea said the SCM works with an incomplete composition. A vacant post among judges was to be filled as a result of the elections in the General Assembly of Judges. As a state of emergency was declared in Moldova on March 17, the General Assembly of Judges didn’t take place.

PPPDA MP Dinu Plîngău proposed that the bill should be examined later, when there is a clear position of the judges, the SCM and the representatives of civil society. The proposal was yet rejected.

PAS MP Sergiu Litvinenco said that following these changes, the SCM will no longer be efficient and no justice sector reform will take place. The parliamentary majority is interested only in the division of posts and ensuring of a majority on the SCM.