
Possible suspension of President from office as seen by experts


The possible rerun suspension of President Igor Dodon from office would be shameful for Moldova and would also generate suspicions about the presidential institution’s capacity to be in harmony with the whole state apparatus. The issue was developed by analysts and jurists in a program on Moldova 1 channel, IPN reports.

Political analyst Anatol Țăranu said the suspension creates a bad image to the Republic of Moldova. The given procedure says the legality is not respected, the laws are not perfect and are not written so as not to leave any possibility for the officials to bypass the legal norms. “Given the way in which this legal norm is formulated, President Dodon finds the possibility to explain to the public that he can refuse to sign. This situation puts us in a bad light at foreign level and makes the people believe that obeying the law is not mandatory,” he stated.

Political commentator Roman Mihăeș said the procedure for temporarily suspending the President is not pleasant as it generates suspicions about the presidential institution’s capacity to be in harmony with the whole state apparatus. “In this connection, I didn’t see any serious reasons for President Dodon’s refusal to name the two ministers,” he noted, adding the President provided no solid arguments in favor of his refusal to sign the decree.

Jurist Pavel Midrigan said the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova assumed too many responsibilities. The matter concerning the appointment of ministers should not be within the remit of this court as it has other duties that are stipulated in the Constitution. “We are a parliamentary republic and it is the Parliament that decides. We delegated the power to the Parliament, not to the Constitutional Court,” stated Pavel Midrigan.

President Igor Dodon sent a letter to Prime Minister Pavel Filip by which he informed that he does not accept the two candidates for minister of health, labor and social protection and for minister of agriculture, regional development and environment that were proposed by the Democratic Party. In reply, Prime Minister Pavel Filip said the President’s refusal to accept the two candidates for minister will be challenged in the Constitutional Court.