
Possibility of introducing concept of well-being in schools discussed with Romanian expert


The possibility of introducing the concept of well-being in schools, in legislation or to create national programs to train teachers how well-being can be ensured at school was discussed by MP Angela Munteanu-Pojoga with Romanian education expert Anca Tîrcă, IPN reports with reference to a press release of Parliament.

Anca Tîrcă noted that it is an important concept for the harmonious development of students and for the creation of a favorable environment in educational institutions. This concept implies the inclusion of well-being at school in the school’s development strategy, steps taken by students, teachers, parents and also the community to increase well-being in schoosl, which ensures the transformation or reform of the school, the joint commitment to achieving well-being and, ultimately, results. In the schools where the concept of well-being was applied, students improved their academic standing, but also the results related to socioemotional development.

MP Angela Munteanu-Pojoga underlined the importance of cooperation and dialogue between political decision-makers, experts and practitioners in the field of education to improve the education system in Moldova. “We aim to continue cooperating and exchanging ideas to identify and implement the best practices and solutions that would ensure a healthy environment and conducive to student development,” noted Angela Munteanu-Pojoga.

During the discussions, the interlocutors exchanged views on national policies and programs in the field of education. In this connection, the MP highlighted the efforts made by the authorities to combat bullying in schools by launching a campaign entitled “Together, without bullying” which was joined by Parliament. She also mentioned the Model School program through which investments will be made in 35 institutions in Moldova to modernize them so that the students benefit from high-quality education.