
Population urged to buy food products only in authorized places


Before the winter holidays, the population is urged to purchase food products only in authorized places. The same refers to pyrotechnical products. The competent bodies will step up the measures to monitor the observance of the rules of keeping and selling consumer goods, IPN reports.

According to the head of the Trade Surveillance Division of the National Food Safety Agency Sergiu Syrghi, the people must pay special attention to the refrigerated display cases where the products are kept, to the packing and labels. The Agency identified a higher number of counterfeit products compared with the previous years. When purchasing meat, the buyers should also verify the sanitary-veterinary examination stamp. “The shell of the fresh eggs must be intact, clean, without spots and without non-specific smell,” the official told a news conference.

Andrei Bahus, head of the Economic Fraud Division of the National Investigations Inspectorate, said before the holidays the number of food products and other goods sold without documents of origin and quality certificates increases considerably before holidays. The pyrotechnical products necessitate increased attention on transportation, storage and use. The security rules must be strictly respected. “In this connection, we recommend purchasing pyrotechnical products only in licensed retail outlets where their quality is guaranteed and strictly respecting the utilization rules,” stated Bahus.

The police and representatives of the National Food Safety Agency and Consumer Protection Agency will take a series of measures to identify cases of sale of counterfeit food products, industrial goods and pyrotechnical products so as to protect the economic interests of the state and prevent the causing of damage to the life and health of consumers.