
Politicians who voted antidiscrimination law may be excluded from Church, Marchel


The politicians who voted the Law on Equality of Chances last May risk being excluded from the Church if they do not reduce the rights of the sexual minorities, Bishop of Balti and Falesti Marchel said in a news conference, quoted by IPN.

“We will raise the issue in the general assembly of the Orthodox Church of Moldova that will take place soon. The Church can excommunicate these persons who contribute to the destruction of soul. In this situation, you abandoned your people and condemned yourself to self-exclusion from the Holy Church and from this Christian people, and to spiritual death,” said the priest.

The bishop underlined that those who are put on the list of excommunicated persons cannot attend such religious ceremonies as christening or burial. “You’d better not be on these lists, which will be posted on doors and at the entrance to churches,” said Marchel.

According to him, the Church’s actions depend on politicians’ steps. “We will obey the decision of the Synod and the words said by His Holiness Vladimir in the Great National Assembly Square on May 19. We will obey the terms. Maybe you will understand that there are also other values not only those imposed by Europe,” said the bishop.

He also said that the Church cannot remain indifferent. The Law on Equality of Chances brings benefits only to a narrow group of people, while 90% of Moldova’s population, who is against this law, is discriminated.
Bishop Marchel anticipated that more people may be ‘lured’ into the LGBT community.

On May 19, His Holiness Vladimir read the declaration of the Church Synod, which said that if the Law on Equality of Chances is not repealed within a month, the Orthodox Church will stage protests.