
Police officers will draw up reports in electronic format


The reports written on paper will be replaced by digital versions by using the simple electronic signature. Thus, the printed documents used by the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be gradually replaced by electronic versions, accessible from tablets and signed with a digital pen. A draft law to this effect was approved by the Cabinet, IPN reports.

"The purpose of the bill is to digitize and simplify the writing of contravention reports, which will allow using the simple electronic signature to ensure a faster and more efficient process," said Minister Daniella Misail-Nikitin.

The holographic signature will have the same legal value as the simple electronic one and will be put on documents that do not require a high level of security.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the law will help diminish errors caused by manual processing of documents and will ensure citizens’ access to online services, regardless of place or time.

Citizens will have easier access to information, without having to submit documents in physical format or go through additional bureaucratic procedures. At the same time, administrative costs will be reduced and digital archiving will ensure better protection of personal data.