
Police closes the headquarter of Antena C setting forth a bomb assault


The headquarters of Antena C was closed in the night of 16-17 December, after the police set forth a bomb assault. The MP Igor Klipii, member of the committee for national security, defense and public order told Info-Prim Neo that he was present at the events that happened tonight at Antena C. He said that it was a put-up affair, what was proved by the fact that the firemen, the doctors or other services that should come in such cases did not come and after 2 ours of “searches”, no bomb was found. After 2.00 o’clock the police announced that the building is closed for 24 hours without justifying this statement. The MP also declared that although he was there he was treated rudely by several policemen and only when a superior officer came he was allowed to pass through. The cited source mentioned that in August 2004 the same method was used at TRM. A group of protesters was annihilated with the same method back then. Such actions are possible only because the population accepts and does not consider necessary to revolt or to protect their rights, Klipii stated. On Sunday morning, a seal was put on the door of the radio station and the territory around it was surrounded by a “prohibited zone” yellow ribbon. Two policemen were protecting this “zone”. They refused to give any information to the reporter of Info-Prim Neo. Veaceslav Satnic, who was appointed to the office of interim director of Antena C by Vasile Ursu was staying near the radio station. When asked by the reporter he stated that he can not offer any comments for the moment. The broadcast of the radio station IS “Radiocomunicatii” was also stopped. The reason: technical failure.