
Poland and Ukraine signed a defense agreement


Poland and Ukraine recently signed a security agreement that has an unprecedented clause: Poland could use its anti-aircraft systems to shoot down Russian missiles and drones in Ukrainian airspace before they could enter the Polish one, Defense Romania reported.

The publication believes that the agreement is setting “a very high bar for Romania, which is still struggling with legislative issues in the matter of Russian drones whose parts fall on our soil”.

Experts think that Moldova could benefit from a potential similar agreement with Romania. “And NATO does not necessarily have to be involved as an entity, although NATO would have no problem acting”, says Cristian Barna, professor at Babeș Bolyai University, in an interview with Spotmedia.ro.

Another expert, Laurentiu Pleșca, believes that “the exchange of information between Bucharest and Chisinau is an essential dimension for the two states to be informed about what is happening on the border, in the Transnistrian region, on the Black Sea, and also in the airspace. We know very well that the Republic of Moldova does not possess such sophisticated defense systems. We now only have the operationalization of the radars purchased with the support of the European Union and France. Of course, the technical support provided by Romania, and also the logistical support, including participation in international missions, is essential”, said Laurentiu Pleșca, of the Center for Russian Studies, Romania.