
POB: Over 80% of population considers things go wrong in Moldova


The largest part of the population in Moldova believes things in the country go wrong. According to the Public Opinion Barometer (POB), 84% of the respondents consider things in Moldova go wrong and only 8.8% said they go right, while 6.8% didn’t know how to answer.

The most recent POB was presented by the Institute for Public Policy in a news conference at IPN on October 20. Most of the respondents said they are mainly dissatisfied with the social sphere because they have small pensions and salaries, with the government’s inaction in fighting corruption and with the developments in the Transnistrian conflict settlement.

Over 35% of those polled said the economic situation in Moldova is the same as last year and will not improve until next year. Almost 50% of the respondents consider the economic situation is worse than a year ago. Almost 9% of the respondents think the economic situation is better than last year, while about 15% are optimistic that it will improve next year.

Over 40% of those interviewed believe the country’s administration should be changed and corruption should be rooted out for the socioeconomic situation in the country to improve. Most of the respondents are primarily concerned about the children’s future, poverty and prices.

As regards incomes, over 46% of the respondents said they afford only bare essentials, 31% said they cannot cover even the basic necessities, while almost 17% said they have a decent living, but cannot afford expensive things. Institute for Public Policy executive director Arcadie Barbarosie said these answers show about 77% of those polled consider themselves poor.

Asked about the sources of information, over 62% of the respondents said they inform themselves from TV. The Internet ranks second, while the radio third. Among the most popular TV channels are Prime, Moldova 1, Jurnal TV, PRO TV, and Publika TV, while the most popular websites are odnoklasniki.ru, facebook.com, protv.md, jurnal.md, mail.ru, and publica.md.

The poll was carried out between October 6 and 16 and covered a sample of 1,109 people from 82 communities. The margin of sampling error is 2.9%.