
PM criticizes and gives names of two new judges


Prime Minister Dorin Recean criticized and gave the names of two new judges in the ordinary meeting of the Cabinet. It goes to a judge who ruled that the National Bank of Moldova is civilly responsible in the “bank fraud” and a judge who decided to join a criminal case in which Vlad Plahotniuc is accused with another case in which seven people have the status of defendant in the “bank fraud” case, IPN reports.

At the end of the Cabinet meeting, Dorin Recean said that the cleaning of the justice system is one of the main problems Moldova must solve, including in the context of the European path. “As I said, I noticed the public reactions the last time, but I will yet give names. So, we have judge Angela Catană, who ruled that the NBM is civilly responsible in the “bank fraud” case, where prosecutors accuse decision-makers of the National Bank, who allowed and contributed to the theft of the billion,” the official stated.

“I’m going to explain what civilly responsible means. This means that Ion steals from Vasile. Vasile seeks justice and goes to court, and the judge orders not Ion but Vasile’s family to pay damages to Vasile. And this is completely unacceptable in a normal society.”

Premier Recean also mentioned another judge. “We also have judge Ludmila Beșliu, who ruled that the case of a defendant in the “theft of the billion” case, namely Plahotniuc, must be merged with a larger case. You know how it was earlier - let’s give everything to the kolkhoz because the kolkhoz is robbed and nobody is responsible. The intention was for all these processes to continue endlessly,” said the Premier.

He noted that he will continue to give names, despite the protest and dissatisfaction coming from different associations. “I will continue to do this and want to encourage the existing honest, courageous judges to take a step forward so that we gradually clear the judiciary of corruption,” stated Dorin Recean.

In mid-December, in a Cabinet meeting, the
Prime Minister mentioned the names of judges who annulled the Commission for Emergency Situations’ decision by which the political party “Chance” was eliminated from the local elections of November 5. In reaction, the Association of Judges of the Republic of Moldova expressed deep concern and disapproval of Dorin Recean’s statements. The Superior Council of Magistracy also reacted, stating that the giving of names of judges from the panel, combined with accusations of ignoring of important evidence, can be treated as a form of inadmissible pressure on judges.