PLDM: This government should not recite poems, but leave
“Now that we experience a crisis, the present government should not recite poems and campaign, but realize that it is time for them to leave,” the candidate on the list of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM), Veaceslav Ionita said on Tuesday. He said the PLDM is aware that after July 29 it will have to deal with the situation created by the Communists, but it has a viable program of action, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The statements come as the Communist candidate Igor Dodon quoted Mihai Eminescu at a news conference on Monday. He said that “it is easy to write verses, when you have nothing to say”, referring to the management capacity of the political opponents.
During a conference on July 7, the Liberal-Democratic candidates, economists Veaceslav Ionita and Veaceslav Negruta presented the major anti-crisis steps stipulated in the PLDM’s government program for 2009-2013.
The amendment of the law on the 2009 budget, renegotiation of the prices of imported energy resources, massive involvement of entrepreneurs by issuing multiple visas to accelerate exports, attraction of funds from international organizations, reduction in the value added tax are among the anti-crisis measures announced by the PLDM.
According to Negruta, a group of international experts assessed the government program of the PLDM, grading it “7” of 10. The PCRM’s program was graded “0”.
“The Communist government is a synonym of the economic crisis in Moldova,” said Veaceslav Ionita. “The present government confuses the county with the budget and implements know-how aimed at strangling the economic entities that must pay taxes even if they do not have money to pay salaries. It seems as if they lend to the government,” Ionita said.