
PLDM suggests shortening election campaign


The amendment to the Electoral Code that allows reducing the election campaign from 60 to 30 days could be adopted in Parliament together with the amendment concerning the procedure for electing the head of state, after the September 5 constitutional referendum, considers the first vice president of the PLDM Mihai Godea, Info-Prim Neo reports. On August 5, Mihai Godea presented the amendment proposal, saying it has been registered with the Parliament’s Standing Bureau and will be discussed inside the ruling alliance. He said the Liberal-Democratic Party hopes there will be enough votes for the proposal to be passed. According to the PLDM, the election campaigns are too long and this negatively affects the work of the legislative body and increases the voters’ distrust. If the Parliament stops work for a longer period, a series of reforms and projects will be delayed. “We must fulfill the conditions imposed by the EU for granting a visa-free regime for the Moldovan travelers. A new EU assessment mission is expected to come to Chisinau in September. The talks on the creation of a deep and comprehensive free trade area are to be opened. We must adopt the state budget for 2011 and carry out other important steps stated in the Government’s working program,” said the leader of the Liberal-Democrat parliamentary group. Asked why these proposals haven’t been discussed before the recent amendment of the Election Code, Mihai Godea said the MPs were then concerned with the improvement of the conditions for participation in elections and omitted these issues. Godea voiced hope that the Venice Commission will approve of this amendment.