
Platform for making appointments for vaccination malfunctions


The platform for scheduling appointments for vaccination online since it was launched has undergone technical glitches, but it will become available again in the nearest future. No major problems are yet encountered and appointments could be made again soon, Alexei Ceban, epidemiologist of the National Public Health Agency, told a news conference, being quoted by IPN.

Alexei Ceban noted the authorities aim to reach a vaccination rate of 70% of the population by the end of this year. “An optimal scenario for achieving this objective is to vaccinate about 50,000-70,000 persons a week, depending on the capacity of vaccination centers,” stated the epidemiologist.

Asked about the expiry of the lots of AstraZeneca vaccine, Alexei Ceban said the lots have different periods of validity. “There was a lot that was to expire at the end of May, but it was used. We now have lots that expire in June and July. Judging by the vaccination pace, there are no risks of losing the vaccine,” he stated.