
Plan of action for better cleaning capital city


The municipality aims to finalize and approve the regulations concerning the organization and functioning of the public cleanup service in two months. Another goal is to purchase equipment for cleaning public areas and alleys in parks and squares and aspirators for loading dry leaves during the next two years. In the ordinary meeting of officials of Chisinau services and divisions, the head of the Public Amenities Division Petru Gontea presented the plan of action for improving the municipal cleanup system, IPN reports.

The current cleanup system has a number of weak points, including the fact that 30 enterprises are now involved in the cleaning of public areas in the city. As a result, the quality of works is poor owing to the different types of enterprise management. Therefore, the Public Amenities Division suggests that the cleanup services should be provided only by one housing sector managing enterprise in each of the five districts of Chisinau.

Another weak point is the fact that a series of departments are responsible for the monitoring of the observance of cleanup rules and quality of cleanup works and the process is difficult and referrals are made from one department to another. Another problem is the fact that the same road segment is cleaned by a number of operators. Also, the waste collection platforms are managed with difficulty as the cleanup company “Autosalubritate” collects only household waste from containers, while the collection of building waste, hazardous and vegetal waste and other types of waste is the duty of apartment building managers who usually do not have units of transport to take this waste away.

In this connection, the Public Amenities Division proposed approving the regulations concerning the organization and functioning of the Division so as to empower it to promote policies and to manage the cleanup efforts and waste collection. In the short and medium terms, there will be purchased ten Hako snowplows at the total price of 24.6 million lei and 20 aspirators for loading dry leaves collected from sidewalks and yards of apartment buildings, to the value of 2.6 million lei.

During the next two years, there will also be bought 20 tractors for transporting snow and vegetal waste from yards of apartment buildings, parks and squares. A sum of 10.2 million lei is needed for the purpose. During a year, the authorities plan to build a vegetal waste composting station and to outfit it a cost of 15 million lei.

More than 2,000 reports on non-observance of the cleanness regime in Chisinau have been drawn up so far this year. There were imposed fines totaling about 889,000 lei.