PL and PDM must appeal to court over PCRM's ad
The Democratic Party (PDM) and the Liberal Party (PL) must prove in court that the electoral advertisement of the Communists Party (PCRM) distorts the image of the leaders of the two parties. The Central Election Commission (CEC) decided this case is not within its competence, Info-Prim Neo reports.
In its November 5 meeting, the CEC examined the challenge filed by the PDM and PL against the PCRM's ad for the third time.
On November 3, the CEC postponed examining the challenges at the request of the PCRM, which asked for time to present evidence. In the November 4 meeting, a decision was not taken as only four members of the Commission voted in favor of banning the Communists Party’s advertisement. One member abstained, while two members voted against. At least five votes in favor are needed for taking a decision.
Representatives of the PDM and PL lodged challenges with the CEC, demanding withdrawing the PCRM’ advertisement that is based of passages from an interview given by the Democrat leader Marian Lupu and mixed passages taken out of context, as it breaks the electoral legislation.
For his part, the PCRM’s representative to the CEC said the pictures were downloaded from the websites of several open media outlets.