
PL accuses PLDM of claiming benefits of European integration


The deputy head of the Liberal Party (PL) Corina Fusu accuses the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) of trying to discredit the Liberals in the electoral period and of claiming the benefits of the European integration. The accusations were made in the program “Pahomi” on Realitatea TV channel, IPN reports.

According to Corina Fusu, the PLDM reaped all the laurels related to the European integration. “It’s not fair. We also voted for the abolition of the visa regime and ratified the Association Agreement with the EU. I personally had a responsible duty in the process that led to the signing of the accord. The European party PL voted all the laws concerning the European integration,” she stated.

In the same program, Corina Fusu noted that the PLDM is making effort to discredit the Liberal Party and this may be revenge for the fact that Vlad Filat wasn’t voted in as Premier. “All the attacks against Dorin Chirtoaca, who has a very high popular approval rating, prove this. The attacks on Chirtoaca started earlier. I would note the movie-like pursuit of the mayor who allegedly drove under the influence. Afterward, he was accused of mismanaging the EBRD’s loan for road repair and the homes of his relatives were searched. Refugees’ protests and the inaction of the police are the most conclusive example,” she said.